General Information
CCIM Institute CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Member) Institute National Website
CCIM Oregon/SW Washington Chapter CCIM Oregon and SW Washington Chapter Website
LoopNet Commercial real estate listings and research
City of Portland and Oregon State Information:
American Towns Portland Oregon Find and share the best local information
Clackamas County Clackamas County, Oregon
Portland Online City of Portland
Multnomah County Multnomah County, Oregon
Portland Maps Map information service by the City of Portland
Oregon Corporation Division Oregon Secretary of State Corporation Division
ODOT Oregon Traffic Counts
The Oregonian Portland Oregonian Newspaper
Washington County Washington County, Oregon
City of Vancouver and Washington State Information:
Clark County GIS Clark County Washington Graphical Information System
City of Vancouver City of Vancouver Washington
Clark County Code A Codification of the General Ordinances of Clark County, Washington
The Columbian Clark County Washington Newspaper
Vancouver Municipal Code City of Vancouver Title 20 Land Use and Development Code
RTC Southwest Washington Regional Traffic Counts
WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation
Washington Corporations Division Washington Secretary of State Corporations Division